Swim N Spin…Alligator Arms…& a new You Know You’re Iron When…

Had a networking meeting this morning from 7:00-8:30 a.m., which meant of course getting up at 0-dark-00 to get things done before heading out.  This Ironman training thing definitely cuts a swath in your day, and that’s a fact. It was raining so hard when I went to leave the house, I was quite taken aback. Hadn’t […]

Olympic Distance Triathlon – Check!

Yesterday was the Louie Bonpua Memorial Triathlon – named for a TNT athlete who succumbed to cancer, as I understand it, about 9 years ago. H and Dad were volunteering – well – DAD was volunteering. H was “volunteered” by me, and he was not all that happy about it. It started about a week out, […]