Light Your Fire!

I got out and swam today – and the fire is LIT! I haven’t been in a pool, really swimming, for about 3 years. Wow. I forgot how much I like it. OK, so I only did 10 lengths kicking, 16 lengths freestyle (one beat kick), 10 lengths kicking, and then 2 lengths going as […]

Episode 17: Keeping Your Sex Life off Life Support, And What Men REALLY Want

In this, the final episode in my “Sex and Sensuality” series, I discuss sensuality and some of the differences between men and women. I also discuss human sexual response and how you, as a fEmpowered woman, need to get over yourself and get involved in your own sex life. This episode ends with my visit […]

The Passport Photo: Following My Own Advice

Okay, SO. About a year ago, I was fat (happy), and in need of a new driver’s license. Contrary to my own good advice in my book fEmpowerment, I basically went down to the DMV, and took the photo. I’d put on the makeup, I’d done the hair, but….BAAAAD. So VERY VERY BAD. Lordie lordie. Of […]

Introducing Feisty: The Bond Grrl College Correspondent

Hi, everyone! Sandy has generously allowed me to fill a niche in the reading audience: the college-bound Bond Grrl. College presents quite a few hazards for would-be Bond Grrls: cramped quarters, mediocre meals, and pressure to get good grades, be a party animal, and find your life purpose… all at the same time! But college […]

Fempower(R) Lifestyle Training – Session Two

This podcast is a recording of the new Thursday Night Fempower(R) Lifestyle Training group’s Second Session. These Grrls have agreed to have their first meetings taped and made public, to instruct those of you who are curious about the process. The second teleconference in each month is not based upon our standard motivational Curriculum. It is based upon […]

Fempower(R) Lifestyle Training – Weekly Update

This post carries on from the Podcast of our first Fempower(R) Lifestyle Training call on May 8th with my “Thursday Evening Bond Grrrrls.” Each member has agreed to let the process be open on this Blog, so that others can see what Fempower(R) Coaching is all about. One issue that I did not bring up in […]

Fempowerment Lifestyle Training – Session One

I have received many emails and queries from Bond-Girls-To-Be regarding what fEmpowerment Lifestyle Training “is like.” This podcast is a recording of the first meeting of a new Thursday Night group. These Grrls have agreed to have their first two meetings taped and made public, to instruct those of you who are curious about the process. Each […]