My Cinderella Moment on Day 137 (yesterday, January 22)

coachI was supposed to go to Crossfit today (first day back), but the WOD I can make is at 6:30 p.m. and I realized that will not work. Why you ask? Let me explain!

Yesterday was my first LONG day out after surgery. I had lots and lots to do . . . talking to my potential new collaborator on re-doing the Fempowerment workbook for first girls (8-12) and then teens (12-16) – returns returns OMG SO MANY RETURNS (I know H likes to buy things, but I discovered when he’s the sole shopper, the returns factor goes up astronomically!) – then my blessed blessed HAIRCUT. It’d been WAY too long – it’d been “way too long” the week BEFORE the surgery, but I had one of those “sudden realizations” that I wouldn’t be able to drive for a couple weeks after and TRIED to get in, but no chance. So I’ve been in that “longer than too long” space for a WHILE.

ANYWAY, so one of the things that I had said I would do was to sub for someone at the yoga studio I do work-trade at (for free yoga). I got there a little late, because he didn’t text me until 15 minutes before he was supposed to be there that YES, he DID need me – and i was all the way up in Santa Rosa! So I FLEW down (amazingly, no traffic), and busily started working as usual . . .

His shift is 4:00-6:30 (I do 2:30-5:00 on Mondays). So I got there at like 4:20, SPED through all the stuff I had to do to sort of “catch up” (can you say laundry, laundry and more laundry?), then took a bit of a breather because I had to wait for the 4:30 class to get out at 5:30. No big, thinks I . .. puttering around cleaning the bathroom and all that good stuff, hosing down mats, etc.

So the class ends, and a friend of mine was in there, and I’m chatting, waiting for them to clear out so I can get all the towels, etc. out of the room. I casually look outside, and realize that it’s DUSK. And I am NOT ALLOWED TO DRIVE after “pre-dusk.” Also, I can TOTALLY see why, because the globe lights on the fence at the restaurant across the street are on, and they look about 10 sizes bigger because of the HUMONGOUS halos around them.

I grab my friend (who also does work trade – we’re “work trade friends”) and ask if she can PLEASE PLEASE STAY and tell the manager that I had to leave like RIGHT THEN. Manager was on the phone and also dealing with some $ stuff, so I didn’t want to interrupt. She said she would, and I SPAZZED out of there, and that is no mistake. Thank GOODNESS our house is literally like 2 miles from the yoga studio! When I got home I had to turn on the outside lights (BLLLLING!!!! Halo Heaven!) and H came out on the porch with his arms crossed, saying: “Hello? Do you just not know what the word ‘Dusk’ means?” (good-naturedly, mind you, and always super funny in his thick accent.)

And then I watched the BMW melt into a pumpkin and 8 little white rats . . .