Jason and Amy’s “journey” to The Amazing Race 2013

Yeah well this is frickin’ amazing . . .

I was just noodling through YouTube, and came across this video:


It’s made by Jason and Amy – who actually just WON The Amazing Race. It shows their journey – their initial 3 minute video (that they sent in the day before the deadline), and goes like this:

1. They met in March of 2012. Within 30 days, they were on their way to Paris. They filmed a video climbing up stairs of the Eiffel Tower.

2. They sent in their video, getting it in the day before the deadline (sounds familiar!) Presuming that they were climbing up the Eiffel Tower in April of 2012, and also presuming that their deadline to be on TAR was the same as ours (November 5th), they got it in in November (on the 4th). It’s very off-the-cuff, very cute, but doesn’t have a lot of info that’s for sure! (You can see it, first few minutes of the YouTube.)

3. EIGHT MONTHS LATER, they get a call, saying “Are you guys still together? Because your video caught our eye, and if you are, we want another one, a ‘real’ audition tape.” So, presuming that their deadline was the same as ours, that would mean they got a call on July 5th! (That doesn’t quite seem right, frankly, since our information said that the episode would be filmed “around April or May 2014” – but let’s just go with it!) The good part is the EIGHT MONTHS LATER call!

4. So THEN (minute 2 of the YouTube), they sent in a “real” audition tape. The thing that makes me think that their submission deadline was more like April (almost right as they came home from Paris) is that they say “8 months later” they get a call, but in this tape, it says “we met in March of this year” – meaning it is STILL 2012 when they send in their “audition” tape. So presuming they sent it in the April, that could be that they did this one in December. That also lines up with the fact that at one point, they are sitting in chairs with a Christmas tree behind them. It’s very professional – WOW, there is a LOT about Amy that didn’t come out in TAR, she’s a superwoman! – and in fact . . .

5. “After a long call-back process” (per her captions), they did NOT get picked – the person they were talking to said that their “Boss” didn’t buy them – and from something Amy says, they looked “too polished” in the video. My guess is that the “call-back process” includes the background checks, etc. that I have read about before. Anyway – so they were NOT picked. So, they send in ANOTHER video, for the Boss. You can tell from this 3rd video that they’re just sitting there talking to the camera, and Amy doesn’t even have any makeup on. (That’s at 6:30 in the YouTube).

6. They got ANOTHER call – and had to make a FOURTH video for consideration. (That’s at 8 minutes in the YouTube).

7. They GOT the call this time, to come to L.A. for the “Finals Week pick.”

8. If you watch ANYTHING you HAVE to watch this part (starts at 9:49) – SPOILER ALERT – they literally had to PLOW THE FREEWAY OUT OF RHODE ISLAND TO PHILLY (remember, Jason owns a snowplow company!) because it was the biggest blizzard on RECORD in the North East – that was February 9-12, 2013. This really is unbelievable. They make it to the plane with honestly MINUTES to spare – and basically the rest is history (and they WON!)

So now, I’m SUPER DUPER excited about the whole “timeline” thing – because though of course you “don’t hear anything” if you’re NOT picked, this gives you SOME idea of how long it took for Jason and Amy to get on. This is a GREAT GREAT VIDEO to have found! I’m SUPER DUPER STOKED about it – and today, I started H and my new eating plan, yesterday Moddie and I did a New Moon with Sue (who is also doing us a CD) – I did that freakin’ triple hero WOD AND running back and forth over the Golden Gate Bridge – I’m PUMPED that “though we haven’t heard anything yet” – that it took Jason and Amy from (SOONEST – again, taking my cues from the “clues” in this video about timing) from April 2012 to FEBRUARY 2013 to get to the “Finals Week.”

Once again – the BEST PART? Took them EIGHT MONTHS to hear on their initial video.

I am super interested, too, in what Amy says on the “Boss” tape – that their video was “too perfect; too pretty” to get chosen. I honestly feel that if Moddie and my “first” tape -the one we were sending in to Prashant to “video edit up” – but then he had the death in the family, etc. – would have been a “too perfect/too pretty” video. That’s why I feel that the TAR Gods “made” it that we had to really switch gears, knuckle down, and just send in what we sent. It’s totally us, it’s not too “done” as it were, and WHEN they call us (HEY, we still have 6 months, what? LOL), we could do ANOTHER “audition” tape if that’s what it’s going to take – not too pretty though ;-)

Here’s our video, just in case you haven’t seen it ;-)


3 thoughts on “Jason and Amy’s “journey” to The Amazing Race 2013

  1. Sweet! No call yet isn’t a bad thing! Last minute hokie video isn’t a bad thing. We are in this :-)…time to get TAR ready! Luck = preparation meets opportunity!

  2. I REALLY agree re our hokey video. We are so “us.” Time for you to go listen to the Spanish tapes LOL! We are on day 3 of our eating “right” plan and for some reason my fat percentage has gone UP – probably just puffed up and mad I want it to disappear (laugh). I also found H’s backpack, going to load it up with weights and start going up to the top of the trail that overlooks the Civic Center and back maybe 2x/week.

  3. AND Randy S reminded me that he’s an award-winning producer – and Seb said he’d have some music for whatever we need. So that’s to put back in the “back pocket” plus Prashant for video editing. Come on TAR, give us that call! Our video is SO CUTE! :-)

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