Our Wedding (a/k/a The Best Wedding Ever)

With my husband sick (dying) with Stage 4 Cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic, I got to thinking back to our wedding oh so many moons ago. I only had one copy of the DVD from the wedding, but the amazing Joe Kenemore and Pat Roth of Cache Mediaworks were kind enough to put it into […]

BONUS INTERVIEW PODCAST: Erin Doland from Unclutterer.com (subtitle: How Not to Get Divorced Before You Get Married – Decluttering and Moving In Together)

In this Coffee Chat with Experts, we meet Erin Doland from Unclutterer.com.  We Learn: * How the Unclutterer Got Started, including all about Mazes of Stuff and the Bud Lite Bottle rising from the Dead/Rubbermaid Coffin (cue scary music); *  How to terrorize soon-to-be-husbands (N.B.: Mazes of stuff will do it); *  Dealing kindly with […]