Yes, I have finally put mouth to microphone to podcast about what’s been going on for the last month – namely, my Quest to be an Ironwoman in 2010! It all started with Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within…but if you want to hear more, I guess you should take a listen! As promised, CLICK […]
Swim Today Plus Playlist and as a BONUS, “Major Tom” lyrics in English & German
Today I got to the pool and realized I had left my workout on the passenger seat of the car! D’oh! I did remember it was 1750, and that the beginning was a 300 warmup, then the usual drills (3×50 of on back/swim then “catch up”/swim then scull/swim), and I knew there was a 300 […]
Why Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within can be hazardous to your…
…couch potato time!!! This is HOW I got on my “Ironman quest.” Back in the summer, I went to Tony Robbins “Unleash The Power Within” (the “firewalk thing”) with my bff Maria. I was pretty depressed about the economy, my sorry state of health and fitness (haven’t really committed to working out since 2006), and […]
Louisville Ironman Triathlon and other Insanities
Yup – I’ m at it again! So. I’ve been complaining (b*tching and moaning basically) since 2006 about being out of shape – and doing nothing about it. Oh sure, I would rally for a while around swimsuit season (or if $ was on the line . . . we did a “Biggest Loser contest […]