Who knows? This might be my last post. We have one full and two half days left. I have done all but the largest one of my client projects, which I have just slated for tomorrow, leaving myself today and part of tomorrow to work out. The plan as it stands right now is to use the EmPack to do a “weighted Angie” of sorts. I’ll use the two 15# bladders, and instead of 100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 situps and 100 squats, I will do 100 ring rows on the TRX, 100 pushups (1…(rest)…2…(rest)…), 100 plank holds and 100 squats. That should do me in. I figure it will take about an hour. (My “best” regular Angie time is 34:47, so that gives you some idea.)

UPDATE: Hubby and I did the Thalasso Pools protocol, then I did 500 yards swimming – 20 lengths/10 laps. I got dead bored and am now back up in the room, ready to try out my self-imposed “weighted Angie challenge.” I am laughing at HOW SHORT of a swim that is compared to my “Ironman Daze” . . . not depressed, not mad, not upset, just laughing. Now that the Elks pool in Marin has been remodeled, I do have it on my short list to start swimming again maybe a couple days a week – however – I need to find my Finish waterproof earbuds because I don’t got that “just swim forever” mentality no mo’!
UPDATE TWO: Oh for goodness sakes. That was ridiculous ;-) Did the “weighted Angie” with the EmPack plus 2 bladders (+/- 30 pounds). Split into 10s (pushups into 5s). So it was 10 TRX rows, 10 squats to the coffee table, 5 push ups, 10 second plank hold, then back around. Since of course I was basically looking at 50 pushups straight at the end that way, I started doing 5 in between the rows and the squats, so at the end I “only” had 20 to go. Did the whole thing in 35:37:44, which I think is pretty darned good as my “regular” Angie time was 34:47 and that was with banded push/pullups, the squat and situp alts the same. Not so terrible :-) Now I’m dead though…Like, single pushups at the end fo’sho’….
Suffering is a Choice, made in the Present, to live in the Past or the Future. [UPDATE: Unless you are doing a weighted Angie. Then suffering is just suffering, and there is no Past or Future. Just Suffering. Sandy ]
Dr. Sandra Toledo (Dr. Sandra)
Energy Medicine Notes
This post is the remainder of my notes taken during my stay. I broke out the “Nutrition” notes into a separate blog post, and I’m breaking out the Energy Medicine notes into this one. The others I just gathered together into a big lump in my last post. So here we go…
“K-27” is your “reset” point so not a bad idea to thump (“hard tap”) it a couple dozen times before starting any protocol. To find it, go to the inner edge of your collar bone, then about 1″ under it, press. There is a “sore spot.” (If you don’t feel one, keep looking – it’s there.) Once you find it, that’s the “reset” point. You can also use the “karate chop” point to reset. This is the inside edge of your hand (below the pinky, so if you’re looking at your palm, the lowest edge on the pinky side). Hit these two edges of your hands together a couple dozen times. Keep your mind clear, or just say to yourself “I am present.”
Meditation is not about staying in the Present. It’s about returning to the Present. So if your mind wanders 1,000 times and each time you tell it “Thank you, I’ll deal with that later” and return, you’ve been 1,001 times successful.
Dr. Sandra
Remember – you can find these on YouTube using the keywords “Donna Eden” and “Energy Medicine.” I wanted to link them here, but the WiFi is still not allowing me. So I will leave that up to you . . . .
Here are the postures that we did on Saturday, that I promised to ‘splain to you (Lucy):
Connecting Heaven and Earth
If you’ve picked up someone else’s energy or need fresh oxygen in your cells, this one’s for you.
Stand. Start by rubbing your hands together until they’re very warm (rub fast), then shake them off. Place your hands on your thighs and take a deep breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Swing your arms up from your sides and over your head, then down into prayer position. Take a deep breath through your nose and let it out. Breathe in, and as you do, stretch one arm up and one arm down, with your palms facing the ceiling (up hand) or floor (down hand). Hold your breath, and look up to the “Heaven hand,” then when you’re ready to let your breath out, look down to the “Floor hand.” Bring your arms back out and up over your head and down into prayer position. Now, do the same motion, but with the alternate hands up/down. Always remember to slowly swing your hands up and then to prayer position in between. Do this two or more times each side. When you feel finished, bend over from the prayer position (the last position after the last hand switch), and let your arms and head hang. Stay this way for two deep breaths. Roll yourself slowly up to standing position.
The Wayne Cook Posture
When you’re stressed, exhausted, can’t stop crying, overwhelmed, etc. this posture will help you think more clearly and get perspective.
Sit in a chair with your back straight. Sit so that you are able to “rock” backwards and forwards (so, you will be sitting more in the “middle” of the chair). Place your left foot over your right knee. Wrap your right hand around your left ankle, and your left hand over the ball of your foot, with your fingers curled around the sides, but thumb stays next to your index finger (doesn’t wrap). Keep your arms straight. Breathe in slowly through your nose, and pull your leg toward you/rock back, creating a stretch. As you exhale, breathe out of your mouth slowly with a “Haaaa” sound, letting your body relax/rock forward. Do this four or five times. Switch to the other foot. (Right foot on left knee, left hand around the front of your right ankle, right hand on ball of right foot.) Once you have done the other side 4-5 times, “steeple” your fingertips together to form a pyramid and uncross your legs, putting your feet on the floor. Bring your thumbs to rest on your “third eye,” above the bridge of your nose/in between your eyebrows. Breathe slowly and deeply (in/nose, out/mouth) for 3-4 full deep breaths. On the last exhalation, curl your fingers into the middle of your forehead and separate them, firmly pulling them across your forehead slowly to your temples.
Expelling the Venom (frustration/anger)
You can do this once you are already angry/frustrated, but also do this if you are going into a situation where you think that you might get angry or frustrated. It will act as a “buffer” if you do this before entering that arena.
Stand with your hands on your thighs, fingers spread, and take a deep breath. Ball up your hands, and with a deep inhalation through your nose, bring your arms up in a circle, ending them high above your head. As you exhale, make a very strong “Shhhh!!!” sound (as if telling someone, angrily, to be quiet) as you swing your arms down swiftly, opening them as they drop at the full length of your arms between your thighs. (As if you’re throwing something to the floor, hard.) You’ll likely be bent at the waist, knees slightly bent. Bring to mind the source of your anger as you do this, and make the movements very forceful. Repeat 3-4 times. Feel your muscles and power as you do this. On the last one, do the movement very slowly and deliberately, without the “Shhhhhh” sound.
An apology without change is just manipulation. (Read that again)
Some guru on Instagram
Anxiety: Two different exercises.
- Cross your arms and close your eyes. Rub your arm with the opposite hand, slowly, all over the arm from shoulder to wrist. This might make you feel a bit more anxious. But after you have really “felt” that, breathe in through your nose, and as you are breathing out, count out loud from 1-20 (in as many breaths as that takes – in other words, 1, 2, 3, 4, breathe back in then 5, 6, 7, 8…etc.). The idea is that the “rubbing” engages your “creative” brain where the counting engages your “logical” brain, and with both of them engaged, it will overtake your anxiety, causing you to be in the Present. (Anxiety is found in the Past or the Future.)
- Take one of your hands and place your palm over your chest. In between the ring and pinkie fingers on the outside of your hand, start tapping while thinking of what’s stressing you out. That point in your hand is where a meridian line flows that is related to the “fight or flight” response. By tapping, you interrupt that flow. It might take up to a minute to start to feel better. Once you start to feel better, change hands. It’s strongest if you do this over your chest/”Heart Chakra,” though if you want to be “unobtrusive” you can even do it in a meeting under the table, etc. Be sure to do both sides.
If you do an Energy Medicine exercise and you don’t feel any change from how you felt when you started, that just means that you might not have needed it. That is why some of you practicing these exercises will feel a profound difference, and some might feel nothing. If you feel that you are in an anxious, or angry, or stressed, or tapped, position and do the correct protocol, you will feel differently at the end from when you started. Even if it’s just a tiny change, that is profound. It shows your mind and your body that you can take control. Be sure to check how you feel before you start, then check back in when you’re through.
Dr. Sandra
The Sequence
The idea of this is to get out from under a Fear or a Problem. While you are doing it, repeat “Even though I [have this problem], I am deeply and completely [committed to a positive statement].” So for example it could be “Even though I have extra fat on my body, I love my body very much.” It might be hard to say the last part at first. Or, “Even though I am afraid of needles [if you’re doing the IV treatment], I am deeply and completely committed to my health.” Or, “Even though I am afraid of heights, I am committed to learning to rope climb.” Whatever it is, the second phrase cannot be a ‘No’ phrase, it must be a ‘Yes’ phrase, as your brain doesn’t know how to do anything but action, and the “action” that you tell the brain will be the “No.” So for example if you say “Even though I am afraid of heights, I won’t be afraid any more,” you are saying to your brain the phrase “…afraid…” since it loses the “won’t.” Or “Even though I don’t like needles, I won’t faint” – You are telling your brain, “Faint.”
Start by tapping the “Karate Chop Point” of your hands together about five times. This is not just light tapping. You need to put some force behind it (but don’t break anything ;-) ) Then, the sequence is do this (each about 5x) (1) on your third eye point (between your eyebrows), (2) one your temples, (3) under the middle of your eye on the bone there, (4) between your nose and your upper lip, (5) under your lower lip, (6) in the “sore spot under your collarbone” (K27, as noted above), (7) on the sides of your ribs (this is easier if you make a fist and “thump” your ribs a few inches below your armpit – there is a “sore spot” there – if you find it, that’s the place!), (8) in the middle below your last rib (so in the middle of your body, but on the last rib – you might think of this as on the “edges” of your diaphragm), (9) tap the tip of your thumbs together, (10) tip of your index fingers, (11) tip of your middle fingers, (12) inside of your pinkie fingers (you’ll need to flip one hand upside down, but if you think of it as the inside to inside of your pinkie fingers, you’ll get it right), (13) back to the karate chop point. No, not the ring finger, it has a meridian that has already been tapped up on your face.
Once you have done this once, the second time around, the wording you’ll use is “Even though I still have SOME OF this problem remaining…” Or if you want to move right to it, just do the phrase on the “right side” of the comma.” Do the entire thing over again from the beginning.
For the last part to “seal the deal,” you do just want to say what was “after the comma” in your original statement. So, for example, “I love my body” or “I am committed to health and healing.” For this one, tap your “gamma point,” which is your temples, with both hands. As you do this, perform these 9 actions: (1) eyes closed. (2) eyes open. (3) eyes hard down to the right (head steady, just move your eyes). (4) eyes hard down to the left (head steady). (5) roll your eyes in a circle clockwise. (6) roll your eyes in a circle anti-clockwise. (7) hum 5 seconds of a song that you know well (example: Happy Birthday). (8) count loudly from 1 to 5. (9) Hum 5 seconds of the song again.
I know that I’ve mentioned at least a couple of these elsewhere in the blog, but thought that I’d put them all in one place, here. I know that we did a few more of them (and I’m pretty sure that I wrote them up), but what I put above are my final notes that I had to transcribe (YAY!)
Have a great day – the sun is shining through the marine layer today and so it’s suddenly HOT! Hubby is done with his IVs so I might convince him to hit the Thalasso Pools. Can’t quite believe that I haven’t been in actually swimming the entire time we’ve been here. I think part of it is the fact it’s unheated. Also that usually if I’m doing something “work-out-y” (unless it’s in my room), hubby and I are doing it together, and he doesn’t like to swim.
Seeeeeeeee ya!!!!!!!!!
Sandy – thank you so much for taking the time to explain these so clearly. As you know, I have the Donna Eden book but that’s been a bit overwhelming. These are on her short lost – so thanks for making these so accessible!
Wishing you and Herbert safe travels home,
@Susan : Yes, 100% over-whelm-ing!!!! I was thinking of you as I was taking the notes the other day! This way “we” have something to go back to that’s so much easier to do. My “plan” once I’m home is to actually link YouTube videos to it, or perhaps take photos of the protocols from the book and put them “next to” the writeups, but for me, I needed something super accessible or I would just throw up my hands ;-) (And say….”SHHHH!!!” … ? LOL)