Fempower(R) Lifestyle Training – Session Two

This podcast is a recording of the new Thursday Night Fempower(R) Lifestyle Training group’s Second Session. These Grrls have agreed to have their first meetings taped and made public, to instruct those of you who are curious about the process.

The second teleconference in each month is not based upon our standard motivational Curriculum. It is based upon what came up for each Grrl during the previous 2 weeks, as a follow on from the first session of the month and the Weekly Update.

If you are following along, you have heard Session One (based on the Curriculum), then read the Weekly Update (and the Testimonials), and now we are to Session Two. It deals with setting Goals and Steps for accomplishment – because the Thursday group had some issues with respect to how exactly to do just that.

Each member uses her “Bond Grrl Name,” which I have found helps women really be truthful, honest, and forthright in what she discusses with the group.


Enjoy… click on the button below to Play. It has about six seconds of silence at the beginning, so just wait a few counts, it will come on.