TEN pounds of MUSCLE lost…???

Wow, I’m REALLY unhappy as I type this post. I actually don’t know the last time I was so unhappy. Just returned from getting “re-assessed” on my “numbers.” As those of you who read this blog know (all 4 of you LOL), I was told about the middle of last year that I had to […]

BONUS INTERVIEW PODCAST: A Coffee Chat with Balancepreneur Sheila Stewart, Author of Backwards in High Heels

Here she is – Ms. Sheila Stewart! You’ve all heard me talking on a couple of podcasts about our upcoming event in October with Empower180.com in their “What Women Want” Series. Sheila and my working subtitle for our part in the series is, Recession proof your relationship: How the economy is affecting you in the […]

I hate being such a slacker…

So, I have had a few “pokes” and emails wondering where I have been! First of all, we just returned from a month in Peru – yes, practicing all those Chapter 1 Bond Girl packing skills! The plan is to post the photos on my facebook page which is www.facebook.com/fempowerment – I have sorted them […]