Louisville Weather For Race Day

(courtesy of Missy)

 Here is the historical weather for Louisville on Aug 29th from weather underground:

Daily Precipitation:

The Average Daily Precipitation is 0.06  with a historical range of 0.00  to 0.38 
There is a 43% chance of a Precipitation Day.(6 days out of 14 in historical record)

Most consecutive days found in historic record: 1



Cloud Cover:

Average Cloud Cover is mostly sunny
There is a 29% chance of a Cloudy Day.(4 days out of 14 in historical record)

Most consecutive days found in historic record: 1




The Average Wind is 5 mph with a historical range of 0 mph to 8 mph
There is a 0% chance of a Windy Day (average wind over 10 mph / 15km/h).(0 days out of 14 in historical record)

Most consecutive days found in historic record: 0




The Average High Dew Point is 71 F with a historical range of 66 F to 76 F
The Average Low Dew Point is 64 F with a historical range of 50 F to 70 F
There is a 57% chance of a Sweltering Day (dew point over 70°F / 21°C).(8 days out of 14 in historical record)

Most consecutive days found in historic record: 0

 Here are the highs from 2009-1995 (newest first):

81, 94, 96, 83, 76, 80, 89, 88, 89, 96, 82, 82, 87, 91

The actual highs show that it is either hot (88-96) or fairly moderate (less than 82) in Louisville on the 29th, but rarely between 82 and 87. 

Also, it’s not very likely that we will face a strong wind or rain.  Most of the rain that they factor in were trace amounts around .1 inches for the day.  Once they had .39 inches for the day, and that is not enough rain to cause big problems.