Day 16 – Packing (boo hoo), Water Polo, Back to the Marais

Today started out by eating our croissants from the Boulangerie that has won many “best croissants” trophies (more on that when I upload Day 15) in bed. I worked on the blog (as you can see), then we sadly started packing which, of course, is always quite The Thing! (I taught Leann Herbert’s trick of […]

Day 11 – Versailles & Beach Volleyball at the Eiffel Tower

Spoiler Alert: Day 11: 21,142 steps. Today (Day 12): 9,135 steps. And our various “leg parts” feel it. But, onward! I’m definitely behind by a day. I thought I could do both Days 11 and 12 today, but I’ve been at this now for 8 hours and – yeah – nope. The good thing is […]