Day 16 – Packing (boo hoo), Water Polo, Back to the Marais

Today started out by eating our croissants from the Boulangerie that has won many “best croissants” trophies (more on that when I upload Day 15) in bed. I worked on the blog (as you can see), then we sadly started packing which, of course, is always quite The Thing! (I taught Leann Herbert’s trick of […]

Day 13 – Opera, Arc de Triomphe, Galeries Lafayette, Skateboarding

Today we only had the Olympic Skateboarding Women’s Final on the docket, so we headed out to check a few more things off Leann’s bucket list :-) First, we headed to the Arc de Triomphe. Though you can get on top, it was (as one can imagine) a queue of epic proportions and spendy, so […]

Day 11 – Versailles & Beach Volleyball at the Eiffel Tower

Spoiler Alert: Day 11: 21,142 steps. Today (Day 12): 9,135 steps. And our various “leg parts” feel it. But, onward! I’m definitely behind by a day. I thought I could do both Days 11 and 12 today, but I’ve been at this now for 8 hours and – yeah – nope. The good thing is […]

Day 9 – lorsqu’on ne tuera plus ils seront bien venges le seul voyeur de justice a pour echo la vie & Day 10 – Sweet Caroline, Rowing plus Pizza

when they will no longer be killed, they will be well avenged, the only wish for justice has for its echo, Life I happen to be posting this blog on “Day 10,” because I have had a heck of a time uploading photos. And there are some great photos from Day 9! We had a […]

Day 7 – Angelina, walk walk walk, Louvre, walk walk walk, Cafe, walk walk walk, Lunch, nap

We purchased vouchers for Angelina before we left. What is Angelina? It’s The Place to get hot chocolate in Paris. Their hot chocolate is pretty much like drinking a molten chocolate bar :-) If you purchase a voucher, you get a super secret email address to get a reservation. The last time I was in […]