View From The Bay Appearance: 6 Tips To Change Your Life And Reduce Stress

For those of you who were not able to see the show yesterday (or the 3 of you who actually were in the studio audience – and accordingly have made it onto my “I Will Rescue You From A Mexican Jail” list!), here is the link to our interview yesterday. PLEASE leave me a comment […]

Power-Inject Your Marketing: My Interview on Sheila Stewart DivaToolbox Radio

Hey! I had a couple of interviews last week, and I’m going to give it a go to upload them here! In this interview, Sheila Stewart and I discuss Marketing In The New Economy. Wish you had a large corporate budget for marketing, yet know you are on a shoe-string budget? Know that every dollar […]

BONUS INTERVIEW PODCAST: A Coffee Chat with Balancepreneur Sheila Stewart, Author of Backwards in High Heels

Here she is – Ms. Sheila Stewart! You’ve all heard me talking on a couple of podcasts about our upcoming event in October with in their “What Women Want” Series. Sheila and my working subtitle for our part in the series is, Recession proof your relationship: How the economy is affecting you in the […]

BONUS INTERVIEW PODCAST: Alison Armstrong from

This Coffee Chat podcast is with Alison Armstrong of PAX Programs Incorporated. PAX, which is an acronym for Partnership, Adoration and Xstacy, creates peace between the sexes by providing unique and immediately useful information to women on understanding men. Their products, CDs, DVDs and workshops can be found at As stated on their website, […]

BONUS INTERVIEW PODCAST: Scott Smith from Motivation To Move

In my new Coffee Chat series of podcasts, I decided it might be fun to bring you a number of experts in their fields that have had an impact on my life. The first interview I’m posting is with Scott Smith, of Motivation To Move. Sure,  it’s a bit long — but I know you will […]