Saturdays are still pretty much like a weekday – doctor visits, spa folks, Quiet Room, etc. However, you get dessert for lunch (the photo is of ours this week), and serenaded by a troubadour at dinner ;-)
Here’s a photo of our second favorite piece of art at the Mansion (first being the “dancing manatee”). It’s a solid sculpture – though not that big, it weighs enough that I was unable to lift it with one hand. :-)
Evenings on Saturday there is a “Hollywood movie.” Feature: Wild Hogs.
Sundays are super quiet. Though there is a coordinator and a few spa staff if you’d like to have a spa treatment, the bells don’t even go off on Sundays. This Sunday I had planned to do a workout, but I got lemon/cayenne tea, walked on the dewy grass for a bit, said goodbye to Arnold and Jay (Andy left Saturday), went in for breakfast, then “lay down for a nap” with hubby where we woke up at lunch . . . then another nap . . . woke up at dinner! Not kidding! This “ocean air” and the hypnotic waves hitting the cliff did us in!
Sunday is usually a “health movie,” but this Sunday the Coordinator was doing two tours for newcomers. So one of the other gals, and Dr. Danielle (OMG so embarrassed to have bothered her) figured out how to work the DVD in the theatre. We had four choices in the “sound booth,” and played That Vitamin Movie. It was good, and talked through a lot of what we have learned here about what vitamins do what, and how various vitamins help cells “return to their normal state.” It’s not so much that the vitamins “cure” things in the body, as they help it to return from arthritic states, cancer, gout, depression, etc. Of course, the first thing to do is stop eating processed food (or if you do eat it, eat it “as a treat”), but then – even if the food you buy is organic – our environment has so many more toxic pollutants that supplementing is (per the MDs in this movie) pretty much a requirement these days. Of course, if you look up any of the folks in this documentary (Erin Elizabeth, Dr. Mercola, Andrew Saul, etc.) you’ll find rabid “these folks are kooks” websites, and then rabid “these folks are God” websites. I think that the answer lies somewhere in between. The websites Doctor Yourself and Nutrition Facts also came up.
Because of all the napping, of course, I didn’t get to sleep until 2:00 a.m.!
I have done nothing productive or useful since Friday. Well, unless you count the Ngaio Marsh, Agatha Christie, Mary Higgins Clark, and Kathy Reichs novels I’ve added to the “Books Read” list I mentioned before. I have to admit that, given my “druthers,” the Cosy Mystery category is my favorite. I’ve picked up a Janet Evanovich from the library, but I’m telling myself I really must not start reading until I do both a workout today and the work that’s come in since Friday. Promises, Promises . . .
I’m writing this on Monday. After bidding adieu to two of my favorite folks here (leaving today), we had Forgiveness Meditation for 45 minutes, then hubby and I did our grounding-on-the-green, and I took some videos of the pelicans to post on Instagram. (No posting of videos here unfortunately, though I might be able to “backfill” them in once they’re on Instagram.) Mondays are “Nutola” day (with fresh coconut milk, papaya, blueberries, etc. to add) – so delicious. I plan to try making it when we get home. I have the mother-in-law of all shopping lists already started – yes, that’s what I do when I can’t get to sleep LOL.
I’d been tellnig myself that I didn’t get to open my tenth and final card until this morning, and when I did, I laughed out loud! (As I was told I would.) As my friend mentioned in a Marco Polo, this card just got better the longer I was here, especially given the whisking off to the Emergency room, etc. etc. I’d tend to agree! We have today and then one more full day – we leave Wednesday. I will do up the Energy Medicine blog, but I promised myself I wouldn’t do it until I did at least one work thing. Cheers!

That’s such a great card! :)
@kathryn : All 10 of them were PRICELESS. As soon as I get home, I’m totally buying out ;-)