EVEN IF you have insurance…

stethA week or so ago, I blogged about a new company that’s of interest to me (that blog is HERE).

I have a friend who asked a few questions, and then signed up because, even though she has ‘platinum level insurance’, she thought it was a great idea, at an affordable price.

I’d like to share an email I just got from her:

FYI, I had an ultrasound scheduled yesterday and thought it might be interesting to see what it would cost if I went through MDGlobal.com.
MDGlobal member price: $302

Through my regular health care price: $840

That’s a significant savings, wouldn’t you agree?


The thing that I also really like about MDGlobal is that you can get prescriptions anywhere, any time. It also covers “pet meds,” if those medications are something that a “person” would take.
petmedI have two friends with diabetic cats and I personally had a cat that needed to be on an I.V. daily (for years) and another one that I gave a “kitty AIDS” drug to for his entire life (hashtag our pets are our children LOL). Those situations would have been covered. I can’t tell you how much money this would have saved me. Quite honestly thousands of dollars, even net of the MDGlobal monthly member fee.

Now remember – the above email was from a friend who has insurance (and “good” insurance, to boot!).

 As most of us know, if you do not have health insurance in the U.S., you now pay a penalty on your Federal Income Tax return. The penalty wasn’t horrific last year, but it goes up steeply this year and next. (HERE is an article – albeit from last year – talking about the penalty that you’ll pay if you’re in this situation). Moreover, if you or a loved one is on Medicare and take prescriptions – wow – that can get pricey fast.
conciergeI am blessed to live in a wealthy part of the country. A lot of folks around here have a “concierge” doctor. What does that mean? They pay a boatload of money a month to have a doctor “on call” for them – whether they use him/her or not. (I remember all the times that my doctor father would zoom out at 4 a.m. to see a patient at their home when I was a kid – for free – yeah, feelin’ old about now LOL).

The beauty of a concierge doc – if you can afford one – is that you don’t have to wait in line, you can contact them from home where there are no other sick folks around you (except perhaps your kids, who brought the Evil WMD Germs home from their daycare), etc.

 MDGlobal.com gives you that “concierge style” medicine for a fraction of the cost, especially as most of the “regular [read: expensive] concierge doctor” issues that come up are ones that are answered with a call from the doctor to you, in the comfort of your own home, where the only sick person that you’re near is . . . you! Oh – and your kids who gave you the bug. ;-)

I’ve been discussing MDGlobal with a business acquaintance who is also a super accomplished doctor. We went back and forth about how “awful” it is that this seems to be “the way that medicine is going.” But in actuality, the idea here is not to replace your “real” doctor with RoboDoc. (NOTE: Show of hands  if you – insured or not – actually have a “real doctor” that you see semi-annually robodoc2for checkups, call/email with health questions, etc. – ??)

 No. It’s to replace the #PITA (you look it up LOL) visits where you’d rather not go in – where you have a nagging question – or – as indicated above – just to save you $$ on prescriptions/procedures.

It’s for the situations where (this just happened to us) you realize – once abroad or on vacation – that you don’t have enough of a prescription med in the bottle to last the whole trip. It’s for when you get sick abroad/on vacation, and need help. Basically, it’s for peace of mind, and for ease of access.

 Anyway, I thought you just might be interested in an update that actually shows the $ a real person (with great insurance) saved by being a MDGlobal user. And if you have a deductible on your insurance that you have to “meet” to get your meds at a discount, etc., then why not use MDGlobal to “fill up” that amount (spending less out-of-pocket on the procedures/prescriptions all the while)?

Having access like this, especially if you go the cheapest “Obamacare” route that you can find (so you don’t have to pay the tax penalties), is likely to make you contact a doctor when you have an issue, don’t you think?

 If this isn’t interesting to you, I’m really grateful that you read this far. But if it brought someone to mind, I’d really appreciate it if you would forward this information on to them. I only want to offer an option that might “pencil out” for folks like the email did above.

Thanks in advance!