Well, that’s not totally true – I’m super easily impressed by the awesomeness that always surrounds me daily at Crossfit – but when it comes to products . . .
I’m not easily impressed.
Over “Black Friday/Cyber Monday,” WOD Superstore was having a sale, and so I decided it was high time to get me some voodoo floss bands. I threw a little tub of CrossFIXE muscle paste into the package, because with the new Crossfit/Krissy Mae Cagney “Sexy Sculpt” routine, muscles I didn’t even know existed are hurting.

I used the Muscle Paste last night after a particularly punishing morning “Upper Push” session that took nearly 2 hours and left me unable to even do Child’s Pose with my arms (truth). Push Press, Bench Press, Plate Raises, Cleans, Tricep isolations, Pushups, Dips . . . you know the drill. My elbows, triceps and shoulders were killing me when I went to bed, so I slathered on some of this stuff and went to sleep. Didn’t smell too bad – a little herbal – and this is important because my husband can’t stand sleeping next to me if I have on a “smelly” balm of any kind. (Poor guy lived through enough of that when I did the Ironman to last several lifetimes.)
My elbows seem to always be hurting. I am fairly “loose limbed” (uncharitably referred to as “gangly” in my youth), and though I really watch my form in Crossfit, some of the lifts just seem to push that particular joint to the limit.
I woke up this morning and . . .
I got nothin’.
As in – for the first time in what seems like forever, my elbows don’t hurt in the slightest. I even did a couple of Billy Blanks-esque boxing moves (remember him??) and . . .
I got nothin’.
The product contains blueberry extract (antioxidant), coffee extract (stimulant), sea buckthorne oil (skin repair), coconut oil and the like. The antioxidants and stimulants supposedly help support blood flow and promote healing to sore skin, muscle, and connective tissue.
All the ingredients are “food-grade” and natural, which I suppose means that you can eat this stuff (though I wouldn’t recommend it). When compared to something like your usual Ben Gay-ish product with a fistful of unpronounceable chemicals, this is a bonus . . . especially because the product seems to work.
I’ve tried arnica-related products with limited success – I have also used Traumeel – which has a number of actual medical studies pointing out that its homeopathy often works better than NSAIDs, without the NSAID issues. Traumeel is, however, homeopathic – meaning it uses diluted botanical/mineral extracts to address inflammation – so while it has been medically shown to have actual long-term anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, it’s not an “overnight” thing.
Interestingly enough, the company that makes CrossFIXE also has a product line called RIDICULOUS! – which even includes a “pain spray” and a bath soak. The ingredients on that one (I don’t have it – I’m looking at it online) say:
Coconut oil, organic sesame oil, green tea oil, blended with a special sauce of organic ingredients to soothe tension, soreness, tightness, etc. caused by lifting weights, running, cycling, Cross Fit, mad strength trainers, crazy marathon runners, etc.
Gotta tell you, if you are getting something from WOD SuperStore and you want to tuck a little extra in, I would certainly give the Muscle Fixe a try, given my own experience with it.
I might even give the RIDICULOUS! line a try – especially as (from the advertising on their site, mind you) it seems like this is an amped up version of Muscle Fixe.
Oh, and . . .
. . . NOPE, I did not get paid to write this review. And who knows, maybe the unicorn horn dust will wear off ten minutes from now – but until that time, I am blissfully unaware of my poor overused muscles and constantly aching elbows – and for that, I am immensely thankful!
Ya gots any products that contain “unicorn horn dust” for you? Let me know! I’d love to try them!
Hey Sandy!
Thanks so much for taking the time to write about us – we really appreciate it.
First, I want to introduce you to SKINourishment. SKINourishment started backed in 1996 by a little products now called the climbOn Bar. Since 1996, we have been spreading the love through organic methods with our team of 5. We make all of our own food grade products in our Wimberley, Texas warehouse where we have been since 2001. My Aunt is actually the creator and I grew up sharing in the joy and love of her products and I am so pumped to be able to share them today.
As you already found out our crossFIXE MUSCLE paste and all of our products really break any stereotypes many are accustomed to even with natural/organic products. We use NO synthetic ingredients what-so-ever. Quick fact: all synthetic ingredients are tested on animals and can be called natural and even organic. Anyway. you also already noted about our food grade products and our motto of if you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin. We also don’t use any fillers, parabens, perfumes, etc.
Finally, the RIDICULOUS line actually parallels the crossFIXE line. It’s the only instance we have ever done this kind of branding difference. We really believe in multi-use products but people love branding so it was a little experiment for us. Where, crossFIXE is branded towards athletes . RIDICULOUS is geared towards chronic pain. They are the same product lines.
Again, thank you so much for taking the time to write this review. We really appreciate it. Seriously. THANK YOU!