Since we met at Lucasfilm, I think that we start it like the “scrolling roll-up crawl” at the beginning of Star Wars. I’m sure Prashant can figure it out, but just in case, here is an Adobe Premiere Pro tutorial on doing it!
It would go something like this:
(John Williams Score crashes in)
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…
our heroines met in the Lucasfilm internship program…
This is Rob typing, because Sandy is an intellectual property lawyer
and as soon as she sees that I’m doing this, she….
(sound of a “needle scratching off a record” – like this – Screen goes black)
Me saying: “Robbie! What do you think you’re doing?”
Rob: “Oh come on. It’s all about the visuals…I’m just having a little fun…”
Me: “SIGH…”
Next starts my background/photos (with overdub by me), then R’s background/photos (with overdub by R), then…
When it comes to our background “together,” again, the screen goes black, Williams score fades back in (at about 3:45 mins, per the John Williams score linked above, where he is conducting), “scroll” starts with wording about us meeting at Lucasfilm, and you hear me in the background shouting “R! HEY! STOP THAT!” and the “needle scratching off a record sound” again…
HERE is an example of what the scroll “looks like” – Since we only get 3 minutes I think we cut out ANYTHING but the front crawl part (though we could potentially start where it says STAR WARS, call it CYBER FRIENDS or something in that script.)
OK I’m really laughing at this idea. Hope R likes it. This is only Day 4. All I have read says that the application and the video are the most important – we’re going to have to have some video of “us” in it – but I think this will really really make the judges laugh.