The $40 Gorgeous Day

Yesterday, coming from my pole dancing class, I’d parked about 2 blocks away from the building in which the class is held.

When I had driven into the city it had been a “pretty day,” but in the 2.5 hours I had been inside – WOW. It had become ~unbelievably~ beautiful.

The class is in the Cow Hollow area of San Francisco – which means you see the Golden Gate Bridge, sailboats, marina, etc – and so I started to walk slower….and slower….just amazed at the beautiful day.

I walked so slowly, in fact, that the 2 minute walk took me 15 minutes. And when I got to the car, I had a $40 parking ticket!

So, when asked today by a friend who is “enjoying” (not) the drizzly, cold, nasty New Jersey weather how the weather was in San Fran, I said that, in fact, it was not only gorgeous, it was a “$40 gorgeous” day!!


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