Travel Tips – 20 quick trip tips you might not have thought of

The section of my book entitled “Preparing for Paris” gives you a  LOT of suggestions (flip to page 69 if you have it on your shelf). However, in the 11 years since I wrote that book (and 8 since the Companion Playbook!),  I have come up with a few more suggestions to help with everything […]

BONUS VIDEO PODCAST: The Bartender and the Bond Girl on How to Pack in 15 Minutes for a 3 Week Trip…and Mojitos!

This is the 3rd of a 3-part vodcast series done with Mr. Martini ( The first was in celebration of the Kentucky Derby – we made a mint julep and discussed Da Horses. The second took the bourbon from the julep to create an Old Fashioned, and discussed “old fashioned” subjects such as etiquette, manners, language, listening, and […]