May 19 – Day 256 – catching up; regrouping for TAR

Last night, caught up on back episodes of The Amazing Race in anticipation of the finale – then didn’t watch it (don’t tell me! I’ll be watching it tonight.)

As always, my biggest Tip is: READ THE CLUE! Team “Brenchel” really messed up – actually read the clue OUT LOUD saying that they had to pick a boot (for a boot throw) that was either “an 9 and an 11” (as in, one of each) or “an 9 or an 11” (meaning, a pair from either size 9 or size 11), then Rachel specifically picks up a 10. It was odd. I actually replayed it (I was making dinner and listening) because I thought “oh, they must have read the clue to say “a size BETWEEN 9 and 11” – but, nope. READ THE CLUE! :-)

At one point, the two Challenges were either learn to dance Flamenco, or do this “run through the streets with the bulls” thing where big beefy guys in big bull “bubbles” tried to run you down as you tried to read the clues. I know Moddie doesn’t like dancing, but HELLO, that comes up, WE ARE DANCING (laugh). That was brutal! One of the Afghanimals twisted his knee, which was a real bummer, as they’ve turned out to be rather likeable guys, and they wound up coming in 4th. They had said they would U-Turn the Brenchels, and they U-Turned the Cowboys – who came in 4th on that round. Interestingly, they probably made the right decision (thinking that the Cowboys are a stronger force to be reckoned with than the Brenchels), but I’m sure it was bittersweet when the Brenchels beat them out into the Top 3! Interestingly, Connor and Dave didn’t U-Turn anyone, saying they “couldn’t” – not sure why “couldn’t” versus “wouldn’t.” They wound up coming into the finale in first place, and I do want them to win, though I wouldn’t mind if the Country Singer Girls won. Seems implausible, but they’ve gotten “saved” twice by coming in dead last on non-elimination rounds. One I watched yesterday was in Switzerland, and watching the gal drag full metal jugs of milk down off a hillside made me want to lift weights while watching :-) Another “tip” – if given the chance to pick a dog to do something that involves dragging, PICK THE BIGGEST DOG. In this same Challenge, Connor picked a very energetic, sweet, female Bernese Mountain Dog to pull the milk cart, whereas the Cowboy picked a big beefy male. They were “neck and neck” but the Cowboy’s dog was just that much stronger, and Connor sort of had to pull his dog along.

Well, that’s enough of strategic thinking. My supposition at this point is that Moddie and my video wasn’t picked, sadly – because I think we would have learned by now. I think that they are going to do the filming sometime fairly soon, and as has been pointed out by other competitors, there is a LOT to do before the filming – getting visas, shots, etc. – so I think we have to send in another video on the next intake. :-)

One thing that I’ve discovered this past week is that Crossfit is great, but it’s not enough. Yeah, I generally go 5 days a week, but I had two experiences this past week that were humiliating to say the least.

The first I think I wrote about – I went running with the Hash House Harriers in San Francisco. Granted, it was basically climbs up stairs and the worst hills in S.F. followed by long straightaways (not the most ingenious run), but I was completely done in after it. I don’t think we ran more than 4 miles.

Then yesterday, H and I went on a bike ride (both times I forgot my Garmin – which I just went and fetched in the disaster of construction in my ex-office and put into my new office) – it was all of 12 miles or so, from here around China Camp the “Trader Joe’s way” and back – and it just went disastrously. H had to wait, and wait, and wait – I wound up in an asthma attack at one point. What happened to the gal who could do 100+ mile rides, and handle China Camp three times around as an “off” day?

Well, she’s 35 pounds heavier, for one – and I now realize that while doing Crossfit has helped me to build some “aerobic capacity,” it’s more on the “sprint”-type side, than on the long distance side.

I suppose that should be self-evident, but I had thought that Crossfit would help in biking or running at least SOMEWHAT. Nope.

Okay – perhaps one thing – my shoulder didn’t ache after the biking as it’s been known to do, so that’s a good thing and I did notice that.

What this means is that after writing this, I need to go and to actually “slot in” longer aerobic periods. If I’m going to aim this at TAR, I think that I need to actually get on the stick and haul out H’s backpack, and start loading it up with weights and trudging it up to the top of the hill across the valley and back. It’s not hard, won’t take all that long, and will be good practice. I forget how long that turn-around is – I used to do it daily as part of marathon training (and used to run it!) – I don’t think it’s more than 2-3 miles round trip.

(Oh, as an aside, one of the Challenges – where the Brenchels chose the Wellington boot throwing – was at a manor home, and teams got to dress up in sort of “Downton Abbey”-esque clothing and skeet shoot. I’m not sure if Moddie would choose skeet shooting, but that is something I Have ALWAYS wanted to try!)

Anyway – so that’s where things stand. Second week of this eating regime, not particularly hungry, not weak, haven’t lost any weight or fat. Last week was:
Monday (5/12): Did the Hash run in the evening – killer, as detailed above.
Tuesday (5/13): Wound up having work to do, so didn’t make it to Crossfit, but walked Tam Valley to the ocean and back with Francine. It was SO HOT! (Up in the 100s Monday through Thursday – ridiculous!)
Wednesday (5/14): Did Work-Trade and Crossfit…I have my times and weights in my book, but it’s downstairs – this was a killer….
PART A: 5 Rounds For Max Reps
30 Sec On 30 Sec Off
Front Squat 40/25KG
Double Under
PART B: For Time
30 Wall Ball
40 Pull Up
50 Burpee
60 V-Up
70 Thruster 20/15KG
800M Run
Thursday: Did something not great to my shoulder on Wednesday (think it was the burpees), so took a pass (also had work to do). Archery with Kat – our first time on the range “alone” (without instructors).
5 Rounds For Max Reps
30 Sec On 30 Sec Off
Rest 5 Min Between Each Couplet

Russian KBS 2/1.5P
Toes 2 Bar

Push Press 40/25KG
SDHP 40/25KG

Box Jump
This took nearly 40 minutes just by the time alone. It was fun, but a killer. I didn’t do burpees (shoulder) – did “reverse” burpees which are like candlestick rocks, but in a ball instead of feet up. Hard on my knees near the end, but it was basically fun. Actually took my computer to the box, and worked on work there because I was supposed to get a call to go to coffee – it didn’t come, but got some work done on the couch there. Sometimes, when I get home and shower, etc., I spin my wheels – so I actually did get a good bit of work done though folks kept coming up and talking to me ;-) Friday night Tracy L. and Margo from the box came over for wine and appetizers – so I did break the “diet” for a couple glasses of white wine – the heat had lifted so it was super nice.

Saturday: H and I worked outside, including getting me up on a 2-story ladder to wash the air conditioning units and the top of the outdoor fireplace, in “anticipation” of painting. Raaaawr! (laugh) That night I had a Cookhouse cooking/dinner class, and I was exceedingly good (sigh). No wine, though it was flowing, etc. I did however have a fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie (gluten-free, blah blah blah, as all the Cookhouse classes are for “allergenistas”), but did NOT have any of the birthday cake they were passing around for one of the guys – helped clear the table instead.

Sunday: Yesterday was the bike ride, then champagne, yeah, and then I wonder why I’m not losing weight (laugh). Didn’t actually have lunch or snacks, and both breakfast and dinner were on the eating plan…made H a BUNCH of appetizers to have with the champagne…out of all the things that I didn’t want to have in the fridge any more! :-)

Monday (today) – trying to catch up still – will try to get to yoga, though not sure I will make it, do have work trade to do. Also need to get H out – he has a trip to SLC. The plan for today is really mainly to get him out, get my desk and computer “cleared up,” make a couple calls, and prepare for tomorrow, when I plan to really start getting things up into the attic. (We christened the new attic stairs, etc. yesterday – YAY!)

My grandboy’s surgery is coming up in a bit more than a week (the 28th). REALLY HOPING that it works. Fingers crossed!