Life Is For Sharing – Liverpool Station 6 weeks ago (T-Mobile Ad)

You gotta watch this! It will take just under 3 minutes and it will MAKE YOUR DAY. CLICK HERE FOR FEED (I tried to put it in the video box below, but it keeps freezing, so go to the source).

Talk about stopping traffic. The spontaneous reaction of the subway customers is great. This commercial was shot at the Liverpool Street Subway Station in London about 6 weeks ago (Jan 15, 09). Only the dancers knew what was happening; the general public didn’t have a clue what was about to unfold.

Watch this again and again when the day, economy, recession or “whatevah” gets you down. And remember the “Mall Walk” exercise in my book – this is what it’s all about

– Solitaire

P.S.:  Here is the “Making Of” video