I’m Baaaa-ack!!!!!!

OK, so this is where the picture of Jack Nicholson from “The Shining” goes…right?

SO, my computer went down quite spectacularly at the end of last year. You know, the end of the year SUCKED, in fact. 2 friends with cancer. Car died. Computer died. Dog needed surgery. Blah blah blah. I’m SO done with that!

Anyway – so in “blowing up spectacularly” (sparks, smell….), somehow the computer took down the way for me to get to my WordPress Dashboard. We kept trying to sign in the way we had before (because, of course), the cookies were not going to be on the new computer, etc. – it just didn’t work.

My ever-suffering husband, however, “backsearched” through some magic computer Stuff, and wound up getting me back in this weekend.  WA-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

SO, what’s new? First of all, I am sadly NOT going to be able to post the podcasts that I had done for the “Emergency Holiday Podcasts” – I got one up, and then KA-BOOM….! – So it’s all dated. I will re-do them, because I think they were good (especially with respect to financial stuff) – it’s just no longer Christmas!

HOWEVER, I ~am~ going to have a new contributor to the Blog – My Bond Grrl “Feisty.” She had some great ideas. She’s just at the end of college and definitely knows how to apply the fEmpowerment ideas to those of you in this “time of life”!! These are the thoughts she’s had so far:

– Dorm diet: indulge in the luxuries
– Avoiding the Freshman 15 without hitting the gym
– Living your passion at college
– Studying like a Bond Grrl
– What to bring to a Bond Grrl dorm room (and what to leave at home)
– Remember why you’re at college (ie: a post about new experiences and getting your degree)
– How to party in style without falling face-first into a toilet
Sounds great, huh??? I’m hoping that our work together might even lead to a second, co-authored book aimed with this audience in mind! (Go Feisty, Go!)
Anyway, so on a completely separate subject, this Holiday season, my uncle sent all of us a copy of a typewritten diary that my Grandfather had written, with respect to his time fighting in World War I. I think this is so cool, that I’m going to type it in and post it here. One thing that I really miss is the fact that I never really “knew” my grandparents – one set was in New Hampshire, one was in Florida, and we were in California. Then, they passed fairly early. If you have your family close by (or even if you don’t), maybe it’s time to hone your “Bond Girl Skills” and find out bits about them? Those “Grandfather Remembers” and “Grandmother Remembers” books are great – even better if you can ask them the questions. My grandma (this grandfather’s wife) actually filled a couple of those out for me – because she loved to write. But Grandpa was pretty laconic (a definite New Hampshire man!), and so I’m so excited that my uncle found this information.
I am going to be reading as I’m typing – so you will find out as I do! Then….back to podcasting and all that jazz!