Why We Do This: “Gramoo”

I recently joined “Team Beef” on the Louisville Ironman. (Yes, for me, Beef…it’s what’s for dinner!) They actually have a “Team Beef” jersey, but I mentioned to the Marketing Director Alison Smith that I would be wearing my Flames jersey for Team In Training/Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

She wrote back: “I am excited to see you wearing the Leukemia jersey as I am going to wear one in October. My mom has Leukemia and I am working to raise $1400 for a half marathon – just had a little one so starting slow.”

This is a picture of her son, with his “Gramoo.”

Let’s cure this doggone disease, shall we??? Who’s going to join me on Team In Training next year? Think about it – get in shape, and help cure Gramoo’s cancer to boot. Who’s going to get on the green-and-purple-flames train!