Amazing Race tips from 24-3

Amazing Race tips from 24-3!

1. One team (guy and girl) the girl is only wearing a Camelbak, the guy has the pack. We’ve discussed having one pack – that’s an even better idea.

2.  The cowboy rappelled down the waterfall, and was only looking one direction, so missed the clue! Look both ways! (Wonder if they could have seen the yellow clues up the waterfall by looking before “leaping” as it were?)

3.  OMG I SO WANT TO GO to Borneo! OMG OMG Beautiful beautiful!

4.  We really gotta figure out knots and such. They had to put a raft together, and that was a HUGE part of it. KNOTS CLASS!

5. “We’re like Huck Finn and Oliver Twist” (the Country Singers) – OMG laugh out loud!!! In Love with the Harlem Globetrotters – missed the year they were on, and really enjoying them and their attitude.

6.  Keep the clue available! Digging through their pockets, Dave and Conner missed where they had to drop off the food!

7. I am SO PROUD of the Afghanimals!!!! They actually helped out the Cowboys when asked. They realized that being the “liars” last time didn’t serve them well (and likely is what put them into 4th place – SO CLOSE to the final 3). NICE! Be NICE! Help if you’re asked…though there is a real balance to it – when making the kiddie cars, one team helped the other and except for a mistake made by another team, it would have made them race for last place. That’s a tough one – I guess, NEVER LIE, but you might not want to actually, physically HELP.

8.  Did I mention knots? OMG, Must. Know. Knots.

9.  John Wayne is one of the Country Singers’ grampa?? How’d I miss that last time! (She mentions it because she totally KNOCKS down the bird with a blow dart!)

10. MAKE YOUR TAXI WAIT, don’t pay it off! Especially – Es-pec-ially if you’re in the middle of no-freakin’-where. OMG.


2 thoughts on “Amazing Race tips from 24-3

  1. Remind me when I am there to show you the app I have for knots, soooo good, you will love it. How I learned to do the knots that I had to teach for boy scouts

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